Monday 12 May 2014

Welcome NZ Region President, Janet Henderson!

The incoming NZ Region board was announced at the region conference.  Barbara Henderson-Wragge had the privilege of installing our new president Janet Henderson.

Barbara welcomed Janet to her post with a poem : 

We’re changing the board at Region dammit
The new President, her name is Janet
Linda retires, her tenure commendable
Janets’ new board will be dependable
                                                                                    Says Janet

We’re changing the board at Region dammit
The new President, her name is Janet
The Presidents job is to be commanding
A role that can be, very demanding
                                                                                    Says Janet

We’re changing the board at Region dammit
The new President, her name is Janet
The President-Elect is trainee and learner
Waiting in line,  just on the back burner.
                                                                                    Says Janet

We’re changing the board at Region dammit
The new President, her name is Janet
The Vice President will be kept on their toes
Educating members at our annual shows
                                                                                    Says Janet

We’re changing the board at Region dammit
The new President, her name is Janet
The secretary takes note of all that’s happening
With pen always poised, they’re not caught napping
                                                                                    Says Janet

We’re changing the board at Region dammit
The new President, her name is Janet
Money, money, money makes the world go round
Balancing the books is the Treasurers ground.
                                                                                    Says Janet

We’re changing the board on the Regions Card
It’s Janets turn to take up the guard
Do you think the members know all about her
Maybe not yet, but they will, I’m sure.

                                                                                    Says Barb

POWERtalk International is a world-wide not for profit organization that coaches in leadership and effective communication.  Janet has learned about leadership and practiced how to succeed and gain prestige at a club, area,  nation-wide and world-wide level.  

If you would like more information on POWERtalk International, check the NZ Region Website at or call 0800 841 842.

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